Who we are?
Arbetarnas Bildningsförbund, (ABF) translates to Workers’ Educational Association and is the largest study association in Sweden. ABF is a non-governmental organization, based on a clear set of values. ABF is party politically independent but with values that coincide with the labour movement and its aim to counteract the class society.
ABF history and more:
ABF was established in 1912, by the social democratic party, the trade union confederation and the cooperative union. The foundation and backbone of ABF is popular education and especially the study circle method. In Swedish we use the word Folkbildning, that directly translates to peoples education, and in English we usually say popular education or sometimes non-formal adult education.
ABF is a non-governmental organization, and we are not directly affiliated to any political party, however we share the values of the labor movement and consider ourselves part of it. Both the social democratic party and the left party are members of ABF, so we do have a rather clear ideological compass or profile.
ABF: Connecting Communities Across Sweden’s 290 Municipalities
ABF is active in all of Sweden’s 290 municipalities. We are divided into regional and local branches with one central office. There are 51 local branches, 21 regional branches. ABF is a member based organization, and has 55 member organizations, ranging from political parties and trade unions to cultural and ethnic associations. We also have 63 organizations with cooperation agreements, that are not fully members, but that cooperate with ABF in different ways. Our extensive network allows us to act as a networking agent, and open the door to new, inspiring constellations of organizations and individual visionaries.
ABF: Empowering Minds, Enriching Lives
Every year we carry out around 75 000 study circles and arrange 98 000 events. The topics of the study circles are extremely diverse, ranging from trainings on collective bargaining for trade union members, to Swedish for immigrants, multilingual choir, Spanish for tourists, burlesque dancing, book circles, and so on and so on.
In 2019, around 5,5 million people attended ABF activities.